There have been ongoing discussions with Sasria to explore ways in which to assist in handling the large volume of claims with a view to, in particular, assist our mutual policyholders in this difficult time. We set out below an update on the outcome of these discussions with particular reference to the claims management process.
Claims Process and Mandates
For the claims which have resulted from the civil unrest between the 9th and 19th of July 2021 in Kwa-Zulu Natal and parts of Gauteng, which qualify as Sasria claims and meet Sasria’s criteria, mandates have been arranged to:
Appoint loss adjusters or assessors for all claims;
Process and settle claims up to R500 000 (VAT inclusive) for Personal Lines;
Process and settle claims up to R1 million (VAT inclusive) for Commercial Lines;
Facilitate interim payments, under certain conditions, up to the mandates provided.
All claims above the mandates stipulated above, must however, be referred to Sasria, as must claims for business interruption losses.
We detailed the requirements that need to be met to register a claim with Sasria previously (Newsflash #2) and confirm that these requirements remain unchanged. In summary:
Cover and payment of premium must be confirmed;
Evidence of the loss / damage being due to a Sasria peril must be provided;
A claim form and proof of the quantum of the loss must be submitted;
A SAPS case number must be provided.
We urge you to be mindful of the time period within which claims must be registered and the necessary information provided to Sasria (30 days from the date of the event). Please get in touch with us timeously if you have any difficulties in meeting the Sasria requirements.
We suggest that you notify us of a claim as soon as possible and let us know if you do not receive a response from us within 48 hours confirming that the claim has been notified to Sasria.
Communique 94 issued by Sasria is available to download below and sets out, in more detail, the information required for claims settlement.
We have received various questions about the scope and extent of the cover provided by Sasria. To assist you with some of these queries, kindly download three “Question and Answer” communications from Sasria below.
Because the claims ultimately fall within Sasria’s mandate, it is best to refer to these official Sasria communications when answering questions posed on the subject.
Should you have any queries about the claims process, the progress of a particular claim or the requirements for settlement of Sasria claims, please get in touch with one of our Managers.
We are here to assist you and our mutual policyholders.
Yours sincerely
Elsa Jordaan
Head of Claims